Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Proof: Star Wars: Choices of One Free!

Here's some more proof to show everyone that points2shop is a legit website for getting free Star Wars stuff!

I got a free copy of one of the newest Star Wars books, Choices of One for free! It took me less than a week to get enough points for this book, and I got it the first week it was released!

Here's the description from the flap:
"The fate of the Rebellion rests on Luke Skywalker’s next move.
But have the rebels entered a safe harbor or a death trap?

Eight months after the Battle of Yavin, the Rebellion is in desperate need of a new base. So when Governor Ferrouz of Candoras Sector proposes an alliance, offering the Rebels sanctuary in return for protection against the alien warlord Nuso Esva, Luke, Leia, Han, and Chewie are sent to evaluate the deal.

Mara Jade, the Emperor’s Hand, is also heading for Candoras, along with the five renegade stormtroopers known as the Hand of Judgment. Their mission: to punish Ferrouz’s treason and smash the Rebels for good.

But in this treacherous game of betrayals within betrayals, a wild card is waiting to be played. "

If you haven't read it yet, I would definitely recommend it, it is another great novel from Timothy Zahn full of unexpected twists and turns! However, I strongly suggest that you read Allegiance first for some of it to make sense :p

So, now you can see that it's possible to get free Star Wars books and more, what are you waiting for?

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